Basic Femininity Tips that actually work

Uncategorized May 19, 2023

Femininity means a lot of different things to a lot of people. Here at the Femme Guide, we believe that femininity is a mix of energy, actions and appearance. Here are some quick tips on how you can instantly add some more femininity to your life.


Speak Kindly of Others or Don’t Speak

It is not feminine to run your mouth and it’s also not 

feminine to gossip. Now while we all like to spill a little tea with our girlfriends, this definitely needs to stay off the internet. We see so many femininity pages aking the mistake of bringing their offline drama online and it goes against their femininity. This isn’t to say that you should stand up for yourself, especially when someone tries to disparage your name but understand this, when you speak negatively of others you highlight the flaws in yourself.

Recently, disney star Skai Jackson was dragged into some drama with viral ‘catch me outside’ Dr Phil show guest, Bhad Bhabie. Amidst all the dragging, name calling and jabs from Bhabie, Sky remained in her feminine and you have to hear her response.

In response to Bhad Bhabie’s taunts, Sky finally responded.

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We couldn’t imagine a more composed and classy response. We have a lot to learn from this because whether or not Skai is really involved in the drama, she positions herself as the high value girl here.

Next time you want to drag that other girl, guru, blogger, mentor … share a positive quote instead ;) Why? 

It’s important to understand that you are a brand. When you share drama, havoc and mess, you associate that with your brand. WHen you hear the name Bhad Babbie, do you think of professionalism and success or drama and mess. Do you really want to be connected to that? 

Be a silent observer, grab your popcorn & watch the mess if you wish, but don’t bring yourself into the drama.

Wear jewellery

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So this is definitely a more abstract one but what we’re talking about is wearing jewellery strategically. As a feminine woman you should be drawing attention to your feminine assets and a well placed necklace can tell your audience exactly where to look without showing your god given (or medical #nonjudgement) gifts in an obvious way.

I distinctly remember the time I had a coin shaped pendant. It landed halfway down my neck and I just felt like it wasn’t doing as much as it could in terms of feminine power so I bought a necklace extender making it drop just above my cleavage. At first glance it wasn’t something that someone would pick up on , but while sitting at the dinner table across from my date, I had a moment where I distractedly played with the chain. I was deep gazing (link to on deep gazing) with him and telling a story of a fun adventure, paying no mind to my necklace. I could tell it was hard for him to maintain steady eye contact. When I got home, I received a text from him expressing how drawn he was to me and that he ‘knew I didn’t do it intentionally’, but the way that necklace fell just above my cleavage was ‘enticing’.

Little did he know …

Here’s a tip, let that pendant necklace, or single diamond drop just above your cleavage or at the hollow section of your neck, as a sly nod to your great assets.

Given that, what’s the rule when it comes to bold jewellery vs dainty jewellery? There is no rule except that whatever you wear, it shouldn’t be overwhelming. You can wear a single bold piece but it’s so bold that it wears you. You could also wear lots of dainty pieces that distract from your beauty. To avoid this, make sure your jewelry compliments your style and silhouette and doesn’t detract from it.

Practice the Art of Self Care

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Whether it’s Sunday, Monday, Tuesday or Saturday, it doesn’t matter the day of the week your self-care falls on, what matters is that you are engaging in a ritual that rejuvenates your mind, body and soul. Every woman's selfcare day varies in price and activity. Some women choose to meditate or swim while others choose to go on a shopping spree or expensive self date. At the heart of it all is this one mentality: “How can you expect someone to treat you well when you don’t even take time to treat yourself well”?

It’s like expecting someone to love you when you don’t love yourself. If you want someone to treat you with the utmost love, adoration and invest in your growth, you must start with yourself. 

Imagine this, you wear nothing but JC Penny’s and you ask your man to buy you a Birkin for Xmas. You would be a lot more likely to get that Birkin if you are a woman who has a few name brand items already. One seems like a big jump, while the other just seems congruent with your image and lifestyle.

When it comes to your self care, tapping into your femininity cannot exist without it.

It’s not always easy to have a self care day though. Self care also means cutting people off, having tough conversations and removing expired relationships from your life. Sometimes you have to just get that hard stuff out of the way before moving onto the fun stuff. It may not be all oils and roses, but it’s leading to a better life.

Wear More Dresses & Skirts

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Now we certainly aren’t saying that you should never wear trousers but what we do want you to understand is that the one thing that sets meale attire apart from female attire, is the dress/skirt. Skirts and dresses immediately connote (signify) femininity and are a fail proof way to look more womanly (when done right).

There are a whole array of different skirts and dresses for different occasions; from ballroom gowns, to t-shirt dresses to the fit & flare dress, whichever you choose, you want to make sure it flatters your figure.

For optimal femininity, create an hourglass silhouette by finding ways to make your waist look smaller in comparison to your bust and hips. 

If you have just started levelling up your wardrobe then opt for skirts before dresses. With a dress, you’ve pretty much just got one look to work with, however, when you opt for a skirt instead, you can switch out the tops over and over again. Voila… versatility!


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