The Art of Seduction


Here's the simple way you can learn how to use seduction techniques…

Socially, Psychologically & Physically…

to attract the best in life WITHOUT having to compromise your values or be the one chasing

get instant access

If you want to become a woman of charm, temptation, magnetism and enticement, then the


Art of Seduction: For feminine women,


is for you.


Girl, let's get real for a moment!


How much more time are you willing to waste feeling unseen, unheard and unsexy when trying to attract your dream partner, when in reality he should be chasing after you because you are unbelievably irresistible?


How many more moments of frustration are you willing to go through, asking yourself ‘what’s not clicking’ when you get passed over for opportunities at work?


How often do you find yourself gazing at couples in public, who show deep affection and attraction to one another? And when you compare it to your own relationship, you find yourself asking ”what went wrong in my current relationship”?


When was the last time you admired yourself in the mirror and thought to yourself, "I understand exactly why I'm beating away people with a stick"?


Do you spend time on TikTok/Instagram looking at videos of girls with 'boujee' lifestyles that you would love to live? Then hear your bank account saying 'not today, girl'!

If only you could attract that salary you know you are worth.


Or perhaps you have a business/brand, and you want to create tempting social media strategies that speak to your audiences deepest desires.

You want to understand the psychology behind connecting so strongly to your audience that you make money while you sleep?


However, right now, it feels like that is a million miles away, and there's too much advice driving you in multiple directions.


Truth is, you don’t know where to start when it comes to enticing the world to help you achieve your goals.

Imagine all you have to do to achieve your love life, professional, lifestyle and social goals is to attend a 4-week programme...


Then… you become the kind of woman who knows the exact words, mindsets and behaviours that you need to get more dates (and keep them), land more customers, and make high calibre friends.


It's like having a secret social magnet in your mental back pocket.

Anytime you need more money, dates, connections or love, you simply pull out your magnet and watch your desires come running towards you.  


Sounds too good to be true?


Think again. 


Truth is, all of that is entirely possible when you have the right tools, techniques and tactics in your back pocket.


Consider these techniques a velvet box full of everything you need to win. That velvet box can be the one thing you pull out when you want to transition your desires from 'want' to 'reality. 


That velvet box full of secret weapons is … something called seduction.



Self-study course

  • 18 lessons containing hours of training instantly
  • Seductive Archetype Handbook (uncover your unique archetype, how to embody it and mood boards to inspire you)
  • Pre-Date checklist (inc conversation starters)
  • Seductive Affirmations Audios
  • Seduction Resources Guidebook

💎 Diamond 💎

$512/m x3

3 months 1:1 coaching

  • Everything in Silver plus...
  • 3 months of 1:1 Coaching with Cat Shanu on the following topics ⬇️
  • Hypnotic Beauty: curate an aesthetic image that's genuine to the 'real' you yet subtly hints at the dark feminine - in a way that leaves people spellbound.
  •  Luminous Aura: command attention with natural social seduction techniques that will have men and women flocking around you... and it won't be for sex 
  •  Radical Confidence: supercharge your sensual and social confidence in a way that is so compelling that others can't help but follow your lead.
  • Sensual Charisma: infuse your new-found charisma with sensuality that oozes out of you with every move you make and word you speak

Silver Payment Plan

$265/m x 2

Self study course

  • Split the cost into 2 easy monthly payments
  • 18 Lessons split over the 2 months
  • Seductive Archetype Handbook (uncover your unique archetype, how to embody it and mood boards to inspire you)

Allice - seduction student

"To sum up the Art Of Seduction course in three words: Eye-opening, practical and life-changing.

In my eyes, Cat is the best femininity teacher out there, when it comes to body language and communication. Not only does she herself excel in body language and communication, but she is additionally able to teach her students how to excel in it.

What I love most about Cat's teaching style: She gives practical tips, which are easy to implement in real life.

This practical approach is really a big game changer for me, since many courses are often mainly focused on the theory and history about femininity, but don't teach you how to really use this information in your day to day life.

Cat gave me an exercise to practice my eye-contact with the goal of making it feel more natural for me. 

I went from feeling super uncomfortable using my eyes to flirt to feeling natural using my eyes, which was one of my main goals attending the course. 

Thank you Cat, I am forever grateful ❤️‍🔥"

I want these results too!

Seduction isn't just about sex!

Seduction is a skill that causes people around you to take the action you want. 

When you master this highly effective skill, it makes all the difference.


Seduction is the difference between being a woman that has to bat high-value men off with a stick...

and a woman who remains invisible.

Seduction is the difference between posting marketing content that your audience scrolls past and marketing materials that stop them mid-scroll and have them wondering how you're in their head. 


Seduction is the difference between feeling awkward and shy and exuding sensual energy without even trying (or so it will seem...more on that later). 

But Making Seduction Your Superpower Is Hard Work! 


That’s what you’re thinking right?


Well, here’s the thing: You could analyse classic films or watch countless YouTube videos for years, trying to figure out the difference between women who are passive sex objects and women who cast a lasting spell on men. 


But as you'll see in a moment, there are hidden formulas for sowing seeds of seduction that bring people to their knees. You just have to know how to find them.


So, instead of wasting all of that time and energy digging for the secrets behind what makes a woman enchanting, why not tap into tried-and-true seduction techniques instead?

 When you do, not only do you save yourself valuable time and get closer to your goals faster….


You also access the magic behind subliminal psychological tactics, long-lasting captivating communication, enticing body language, dazzling beauty tips, spellbinding socialising secrets and so much more.


So, where do you find these techniques?

Embedded inside: The Art of Seduction: for feminine Women (A.o.S)


 Who is the Art of Seduction for?


  • Single women who are tired of drawing the interest of men they don't want, only to be invisible to  the high-quality men they desire.


  • Entrepreneurs who are tired of seeming too forceful or untrustworthy when pitching clients to buy from them.. 


  • Women in relationships who have fallen into a passive, passionless routine and wish to reignite devotion and be chased by their man again.


  • Women who are tired of feeling foolish when they get shy and uncomfortable in a new social setting and instead want to hook people on their presence.


  • Employees who are tired of managing the despair they feel when they are passed over for raises/ mentoring opportunities and are hungry for their company to see them as the refined, motivated and irreplaceable team member they are.


  • Entrepreneurs who are ready for their brands to be seen as 'worth the investment', that clients trust and desire to buy from.


  • Women who want to harness their social power and mobilise to a higher class but need someone to tell them the exact way how.


  • People who have read (or want to read) the Art of Seduction by Robert Greene and need a clear breakdown of how the concepts in the book apply to a modern world so it’s not just ‘theory’ but practice too. And identify their archetype.


  • Women who are ready to learn how to finally feel sexy again, and not shy away from their sensuality.

Simply put, The Art of Seduction for Feminine Women works for anyone who wants to draw people into their world, give those around them experiences of pleasure, become unstoppable and highly alluring ;)

All you have to do is apply the principles I teach, and voila! Look in the mirror and say hello to the woman who inspires devotion and stirs desires in others.


Simply sign up for the course, do the work (exclusively for women who won't settle for anything less than the best).


Then, just rinse and repeat the seduction formulas I’ll teach , and bam! Watch as you become an irresistible magnet for greatness in love, career and lifestyle.

The Art of Seduction is the master course I only wish I had when I started my femininity journey long ago. 


With It, My Success in Love, Business and Lifestyle Would Have Come Much Sooner, And Much Easier



My name is Cat.


People call me a femininity Expert. 


The advice I’ve given on seduction in my viral IG posts and other platforms (like my Clubhouse rooms on sexual tension) has allowed my audience to heighten their ability to entice the world around them into giving them what they want.  


What makes my approach to femininity so prolific?


It's not the fancy images, smooth voice, and special guests that drive action. It's my life experiences.


Thanks to the same seduction techniques you'll learn when you sign up for the Art of Seduction, I live a life that the 13-year-old, socially awkward me could only dream of.

I run a 6 figure business with dream clients and a power woman team. I travel where I want when I want. And I can afford the lifestyle I want while rubbing shoulders with people I used to look up to.


I'm constantly described as highly feminine, charming and seductive by men (not just the ones I date) and women alike.


But, just a few short years ago, I was a shy, insecure girl that none of the boys wanted to date, and none of the girls would invite to hangout. That is until I mastered the art of seduction.


It took me years and hundreds of mistakes to master this millennia-old skill, but you won't need to spend even half as much of that time or make as many mistakes as I did, thanks to the Art of Seduction.


Click my face to see my personal story that thousands of women were so inspired by that they shared it with their friends.

Heck, with The Art of Seduction, I'm shortening the learning curve for you, so you can learn from my mistakes and become a woman of influence who can put just about anyone under her spell.



It's time you get the results you deserve:

  • An influential social circle
  • Men who instantly find you alluring 
  • A relationship full of excitement and desire
  • Clients that flock to work/ buy from you
  • Opportunities that pay you what you are worth


I've taken my entire seduction black book and put it into this course.

The seduction bonuses is dedicated to helping you identify what your seductive archetype is, how to harness her, and the daily steps you can take to bring her to life!



Self-study course

  • 18 lessons containing hours of training instantly
  • Seductive Archetype Handbook (uncover your unique archetype, how to embody it and mood boards to inspire you)
  • Pre-Date checklist (inc conversation starters)
  • Seductive Affirmations Audios
  • Seduction Resources Guidebook


$512/m x3

3 months 1:1 coaching

  • Everything in Silver plus...
  • 3 months of 1:1 Coaching with Cat Shanu on the following topics ⬇️
  • Hypnotic Beauty: curate an aesthetic image that's genuine to the 'real' you yet subtly hints at the dark feminine - in a way that leaves people spellbound.
  •  Luminous Aura: command attention with natural social seduction techniques that will have men and women flocking around you... and it won't be for sex 
  •  Radical Confidence: supercharge your sensual and social confidence in a way that is so compelling that others can't help but follow your lead.
  • Sensual Charisma: infuse your new-found charisma with sensuality that oozes out of you with every move you make and word you speak

Silver Pay Easy

$265/m x 2

Self study course

  • Split the cost into 2 easy monthly payments
  • 18 Lessons split over the 2 months
  • Seductive Archetype Handbook (uncover your unique archetype, how to embody it and mood boards to inspire you)

What our students are saying


Chiamaka Nduka

I turn heads, and receive a lot of compliments on the way I walk, speak, smell, dress, everything! 

It’s as if I have received the magic to control the world in my favour.

I will shout from the mountain tops that this is one of the core courses that will lay a strong foundation for your feminine journey. Every day I’m so thankful that I purchased it. 


Take Me To The Value

Here's a sneak peek into the seduction techniques you'll learn how to harness


Part 1 - The Psychology of Attraction


COMPONENT #1: Alluring Attributes for Attraction


Your Present:

  • You feel shy or awkward. You want to become alluring and irresistible to men, but you don't have the time to read all the Instagram posts in the world or watch all the YouTube videos on how men think.


Your Future After Component #1

  • The right men flock to you and now your biggest problem is how to choose the 'best man' out of your many high-value options.
  • The passion and excitement you feel when dating is nothing like you've ever felt before. You enjoy being chased and having a dating life that is full of adventure.


COMPONENT #2: Mouth-Watering Winning Words


Your Present:

  • You are in despair of looking silly, masculine or too direct when pursuing opportunities. SO you wait for opportunities and people to come to you. As a result, you don't attract what you desire.
  • People just find you forgettable.


Your Future After Component #2

  • People' naturally' find you highly desirable and admire your people skills.

  • You walk through life knowing that when people get a glimpse of your life, they become obsessed with becoming a part of it.

COMPONENT #3: Time Proof Attraction Secrets


Your Present:

  • Your partner is losing interest in your relationship.
  • You want to bring back the attraction from the early days of your relationship but don't know how to communicate with your partner in a way that ignites that spark again.

Your Future After Component #3

  • Your lover can't get enough of you, and their eyes never stray from your side

  • Your partner is devoted to you, and their mind is preoccupied with how soft, playful and dazzling you are


COMPONENT #4: Subliminal Seduction Techniques to Stand Out  


Your Present:

  • You have difficulty standing out from the crowd. It seems like no matter what you do, other people don’t see your value.
  • You are fed up with seeing people who are less talented, attractive and skilled as you win opportunities or attract people, you know you should be able to get. You know you are losing out on money, connections and opportunities.


Your Future After Component #4

  • People have no choice but to notice you and it doesn't take long before they are captivated by your presence. You draw people in effortlessly and linger in their minds.

  • Whatever you put your mind to, you stand out in that area. People say your name when you are not in the room and it is followed up with comments of adoration and support.
  • You start making more money, building high-quality connections and attracting outstanding opportunities.

Part 2 - Seductive Strategies


COMPONENT #5: Where Women Go Wrong & Create Despair and Weakness


Your Present:

  • You don't have access to the attraction secrets that make a difference, so you have no idea what you are actually doing wrong. You need to get out of your own way but can't see the obstacles around you.


Your Future After Component #5

  • You are now highly skilled in your own unique seduction style.

  • You become a master in understanding the deep desires of others. Now you use this insight to give others what they want while getting exactly what you need, all while making your target think it was their genius idea.

COMPONENT #6: Seduction Infused with Feminine Strategy


Your Present:

  • You've read the Art of Seduction Book but have no idea how to apply these strategies to real life. You want to be able to look at any scenario and come up with an effective strategy to influence but it all seems like too much work.
  • You have no idea how to make your voice sound alluring.
  • You shy away from dressing sexy. You don't feel sexy and when you try to embody sensuality, your fear of being too over the top stops you or you just feel like your look ends up being too provocative.


Your Future After Component #6

  • You know how to create an appearance that is both feminine and sensual while still being classy.

  • People look at you and there is something about your appearance that hints at sensuality, but they just can't place their finger on it.

  • You have harnessed your feminine voice and when you speak, peoples ears are glued to what you are saying.

When You Invest in the AOS You Get the Following Bonuses

Seduction Archetype Action Handbook

Learning seduction techniques is great. But having a list of action steps and ideas you can implement to perfectly embody your seductive archetype is even better.


This Guidebook, gives you daily inspiration of what you can do to infuse your seductive archetype into your everyday life.


When sold on it’s own, each archetype guidebook costs $23. However, just for you, on the diamond level we have included all 9 Guidebooks for free! 


That’s $207 worth of resources for free, in this bonus alone!

Value: $207

Pre Date Checklist

It used to be that you would go on a date, you thought it went well, then you would go home, only to realise a few days later that you’ve been ghosted.

Or you would go on a few dates with a guy, but for some reason, when you are ready for more, the connection seems to just fizzle out.

And you  find yourself asking, what exactly could you do differently to stop repeating this frustrating cycle.

The thing is…

Most women don’t get it right either.

In this pre date checklist, I’ll give you a behind the scenes look at how I prep for a date and what makes them end up sending me messages like this (IMG)


When you do it right, your dates will be something you look forward to and your new problem will be, how to narrow down all your amazing options.

And more…



Value: $35